Infant, Child and Adolescent Evaluations

The professionals at Long Island Neuropsychological Consultants have extensive experience in providing Neuropsychological Assessments for infants, children, adolescents, and young adults for a variety of difficulties involving the brain and behavior. We provide follow-up consultations with the patient and their families in order to help develop a plan to help with their challenges. We also engage in follow-up consultation with schools, therapists, and physicians to help plan and implement educational and other interventional services for those who need such support.

What Do We Do

Clinical Neuropsychologists conduct evaluations that focus on the relationship between brain and behavior. The evaluations assess brain functioning and behavior with detailed objective testing of various functions. This helps with diagnosis and in developing detailed plans for treatment and management.


What Is Tested

Evaluations differ from patient to patient, depending on the reason for the evaluation, the age, and presenting problems of the individual. They can cover such areas as

  • Intelligence
  • Executive Functions (such as attention, impulsivity, planning, organization, time management, self-monitoring, and flexibility)
  • Objective Testing for Attention and Concentration
  • Memory and Learning
  • Receptive and Expressive Language (including pragmatics and conceptualization)
  • Auditory Processing
  • Functional Visual Skills
  • Visual Perceptual and Spatial Skills
  • Sensory and Motor Functions
  • Academic Achievement (in all skill areas appropriate for the age and grade of the individual)
  • Behavior and Adjustment
  • Personality and Emotional Status

Some abilities are measured in greater detail than others, depending on the person’s needs. Additional information is obtained from the family. With parental approval and consent, information may also be obtained from the school, therapists, or physicians. Emerging skills can be assessed in very young children. However, the evaluations of infants and preschool children tend to be of shorter duration, because the child has not yet developed many skills.

Who Would Benefit From A Neuropsychological Evaluation


  • Infants or young preschool children with delays or difficulties in development, or unusual behaviors
  • Children who are suspected of being on the Autistic Spectrum or having Asperger’s Disorder
  • Children with learning disabilities or school underachievement, including suspected Dyslexia
  • Children who have problems with attention or suspected Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Children who have had head trauma or protracted symptoms of concussion
  • Children with Tourette’s Syndrome or chronic Tic Disorders, Epilepsy and other Neurologic Disorders arising from stroke, brain tumors, infections, and the like
  • Children with chronic medical problems, developmental disorders, genetic disorders, or metabolic disorders
  • Children with behavioral or social difficulties, problems with anxiety or mood that may affect school performance.

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